When distributing the application to client computers we advise NOT to use the installer, but to use your existing management infrastructure to complete the following simple steps:
- Copy the application file, oml.exe to the destination folder
- Copy the configuration file, oml.ini to the destination folder
- Optional: Copy the agenda file agenda.txt/agenda.rtf to the destination folder
- Set the registry key to start oml.exe on login
- Run oml.exe
One possible enterprise distribution method is to use a simple bat script to accomplish the above tasks. One such script example could be:
@echo off ::Location of installation on client computer SET Destination="%UserProfile%\Program Files\OML\" ::Source directory (defaults to location of this file) SET Source=%~dp0 ::Create the destination directory mkdir "%Destination%" ::Copy files to destination, overwrite without prompt and copy only if source is newer xcopy "%Source%oml.exe" "%Destination%" /D /Y xcopy "%Source%agenda.*" "%Destination%" /D /Y xcopy "%Source%oml.ini" "%Destination%" /D /Y ::Set registry key to start oml.exe automatically on startup REG ADD HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /f /v OML.exe /t REG_SZ /d "\"%Destination%oml.exe\"" ::Run oml.exe (notice this will cause issues if this script is run elevated, see note below) start "%Destination%oml.exe"
The benefits of using this approach are:
- Full control of the process
- You decide when to upgrade versions
- Limit internet access for foreign programs
Sometime when launching the oml.exe file there will be issues with oml not functioning correctly, this may be cause by the script not running as the current user or the script running with elevated rights as oml.exe and outlook.exe no longer will work in the same memory space. A scripting solution can be found here: OML.exe starts but does not show menu